Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Blog 2: Supreme Court

 Through the first video I found out that the justices meet up once a week to discuss and decide which cases will be accepted and additionally vote on the cases that have already happened. Another thing is the immense overall respect that every one has for each other by having the moniker “everyone speaks once before everyone speaks twice.”

Something that surprised me is the fact that the judges do their work in the eyes of the public. Most of the time the court is behind closed doors and the assumption would be that the highest of courts would be even more secretive and private then the average run of the mill local judicial system. 

The most important takeaway and the change of thought go hand in hand because the video opens the eyes to the fact that these people are also just as human as we are. I believe that it is easy to forget that the people in power are human too and they are faced with the hardest decisions that are capable in order to better our society as a whole.

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