Monday, December 9, 2024

Final Post: Blog 12

Technology continues to advance and it's gone from advancing decade to decade to year to year and now, it feels like it's advancing day by day. For me personally, it has become something that is so ingrained in my everyday life from looking at sports notifications to simply just looking at the daily news. It connects me and billions around the world to each other and everything that goes on around us respectively. This is the most evident fact that the digital wave has transformed the world. The times have changed so deeply that we as a society look at people who aren't on social media as weird and find them to be totally disconnected from us and in this case “us” is the ones on social media and in our tech with no second thought. My Teenage Son is an Addict. He Has a ...

The “Futurama” video that came from the 1964 World's Fair showed the advancement capabilities of technology from the time but it also showed how stark the difference is between how tech was presumed to be advancing to how it actually advanced. The video tried to exhibit how innovation within technology will lead to the “promise land” or a “utopia” where we had everything we would ever need. In theory, this did happen but not in the way the video predicted. Society got everything they needed but at what cost? People gained knowledge from tech but again, at what cost? The outlook of positive optimism isn't entirely lost on the advancements we have had. 

Roughly 14 hours a day is spent using some sort of technology. Out of the 24 hours in a day over half is consumed by technology and media. My personal time isn't near that, but I find myself falling victim to the pull of tech and getting wrapped into it on a daily basis when I should be doing other things. Over 35% of the entire population has a technology addiction with 31% of adults saying they overuse it. This percentage rockets by another 30% when it comes to teenagers who say that they are addicted to their phones, ipads, laptops etc. It is the younger generation that has been the most affected by the advancement of tech in a good and bad way. Cyber bullying, revenge porn and ghosting have taken the age by storm as we see more and more cases of such actions popping up. For cyberbullying alone, from 2019 to 2022 there was an increase of 15.8% saying that they were the victim of some sort of online bullying. 

Of course, these direct drawbacks coming from technology was not the ultimate goal. At its conception, tech wasn't meant to do this to us. It was to better the lives with its earliest purpose being to help with survival and hunting. Technology does still inform us as it was intended to but the truth behind whether it makes you smarter is based on the amount you use it. There's an argument that the times when technology wasn't as big as now is the time when society was smarter. This is something that is a very reasonable debate but people today are smarter. Can this be entirely attributed to tech? Absolutely not and the reason for that is because it becomes clearer that we can't trust technology anymore

Does Your Business Have a Trust Problem ...Even that word “trust” is something that forms a disconnect between us and technology because it isn’t trust but instead a reliance. Trust is found between people while reliance is between people and things. Most things that come along with technology are not reliable to gain information. It is at a point now where a lot of things we see are starting to become AI generated and the news we gather is not the true facts behind it. This plays into something else we talked about in class which was bais. Tech caused a deep level of bais to spread and when that happens, things become unreliable. 

Technology, as mentioned, has spread across the world and connected people together. For me personally, I lived in New Jersey then made the move to Delaware and then moved to Georgia. People who have moved a few times and made those connections with friends understand how hard it is to leave those friends. The opportunity to create new friends and new groups is always out there but there is something different about the friends you had from the earliest points you can remember when life was so simple and carefree and the only worry was who was playing quarterback after school. The good about technology is that you can get connected or just stay connected so effortlessly. This goes hand in hand with family. My extended family lives in Jersey and I don't get to see them as much as I probably should but we are always connected. My uncle lives in Switzerland and Japan and of course there is a time barrier but at the end of the day, we can still get in contact. Talking about some of the negatives of the relationship to tech is pointless if we don't give its advancements the true credit it deserves. 

Another thing to keep in mind when we talk about a relationship to tech is the way it has thoroughly changed the workplace environment. We have online interviews over zoom and tests to even get an interview. Digital footprint is defined as information that you leave about  yourself online. 

Digital Footprint ...The presence you have online is sometimes the first impression of many. The accessibility to be able to search up yourself and anyone else at any time is something that is prompting the security of technology and again calling into question the amount of reliance that one should have on technology. I took the opportunity to search myself up and when I narrowed it down to information actually about me, what came up was things about my running or athletic career, my linkedin and some accomplishments I had during my grade school time. My presence is not huge but it gets the image across for the type of person I am. If we turn the topic to the political digital footprint, there is nothing on political candidates that can't be found from a quick search. This is that double edged sword that tech creates. For someone like me, it is a clear image builder. For a politician, tech is a source of manipulation where information that is misleading is spread. This shows how multifaceted tech truly is. 

How do we as a society push for healthiness with tech? How do we get smarter using tech? How do we change our digital footprint to be good? How do we change all digital footprints to be better?Different Types of Minds and Their ... These questions percolated through my mind during this entire research process. The answer to each comes in the fact that we need to find all of this in ourselves before we can begin to change the world's view on the questions. We need to balance ourselves with tech before we can balance the ever growing threat and prospect of technology in the world.

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Final Post: Blog 12

Technology continues to advance and it's gone from advancing decade to decade to year to year and now, it feels like it's advancing ...