Thursday, October 3, 2024

EOTO 2: Terms and Concepts

MSM is an acronym used to describe mainstream media which is classified as the collective various large media masses that influence many people and shape the prevailing currents of thoughts and culture. The current state of the world and in specific this country, is overly saturated with information. Mainstream media is something to look towards that helps to better explain our understanding of the world. News in itself is a glimpse into the values, hardships, good and overall changes within society. It informs while giving an effort at keeping diversity of views and opinions at the forefront of the media distributed. Within this generation and century, those true intentions of values and integrity have been called up to be explored under a close and watchful eye. Mainstream Media was built upon set of values which had the goal of serving the public and the publics interest. 

In recent years, this set of values has swayed beyond a return point especially currently with the state of the political times we are in. With that comes the sway of peoples votes as well as the sway of violent behaviors and evaluations while also destroying the first level of basic understanding that goes into that of societal groups and societal opinions. A very key quote that I found by Jim Morrison said that, "whoever controls the media controls the mind". This quote is a direct output of how putting the wrong people in the places of control can ruin us as a whole society, That quote also plays into the various cons that are associated. Along with that comes the fact that media empowers the already hateful while spreading hate and false information that homogenizes the culture and overtakes personal connections to effectively ruin those aforementioned connections.  Society is spread into sub groups. That meaning that the spread of society is so vast from the rich to the poor and from the young to old that everyone within these sub groups hears different things through the media causing a complete disconnect between each group in society. socialClasses-05 

This is the evidence of how the hateful and disrespectful feelings, thoughts and actions are spurred up and ultimately spilled because there is so much that mainstream media causes that is only in place to tear down instead of build up those connections between the sub groups. Being a minority in this country, I sometimes feel that mainstream media destroys our sub group more than that of others. I feel as though because of the path that this country has gone down in recent years (continues to go down), there is no way for us to trust the media right now and that is because the media has been so tainted and utterly taken over by people who have terrible intentions. There is no other way to look at things. To explain that point I think the perfect thing is the state of the political concept in America and also the recent incident at a college. Gettysburg college had an incident where a student of color was chased down and forcefully had carved a racial slur into their chest. I look at this and I personally feel scared for how we have gone into what feels like a regression after on all accounts. This fact in its entirety is what the mainstream media spews though. To African American and people of minority in general it spews facts for us to be frightened and hold our friends and families closer while for people on the opposite end of the spectrum, empowerment and protection is spewed. The fact of the matter is we all will never be on the same playing ground nor will it ever be close to being equal but media early on had the chance to change that. It had the chance to be something different and in that it did change things and to not discredit its entirety, it continues to change things little by little. The question I'm left with after this project is whether my entire conception of media changing things for the better is real because the more research and time that I've been able to put into looking at it, although there are some good things it does partake in, the overall arching things that it does is bad. This generation is easily influenced and when you encourage kids in this generation with ideas that are negative and give them a sense of invincibility who isn't going to take that? Furthermore, when you give them that sense of invincibility after having not experienced life in its entirety, what person wouldn't truly think, consider and sometimes act upon the things that are being spewed and exhibited?
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